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Webinar Wise - A Sure Shot Way To Keep Your Brand Afloat & Customers Engaged

Priyanka Ann Saini

Updated: Nov 28, 2022

When in doubt, turn to technology!

In this time of uncertainty, it can be difficult for businesses to sustain, bring in new customers and remain in their established customers’ line of vision. However, all is not lost. There are many different ways in which organizations can reach out to and stay engaged with customers and stakeholders. One effective solution is through organizing a webinar.

How webinars can help build your brand

There are several permanent and far reaching benefits that hosting a webinar can bring:

  1. It allows for in depth insights into how your offerings (product or services) can be used to solve problems that the industry is experiencing - this can be showcased through interactive discussions, case studies, savings in terms of time, cost & effort, etc.

  2. It brings you the leads you’ve dreamed of - those who have signed up for your webinar have done so because you have captured their interest. They are the ones who are actively looking for a solution to a problem they are facing and are curious about what you have to offer.

  3. They are cost effective. Webinars do not need an expensive venue, travel, F&B costs etc. They are easy to set up, deliver a short, engaging message and can be recorded and reused in part or full on multiple occasions.

  4. Webinars are meant for knowledge and information sharing and thus, position you as a thought leader in the industry. They help elevate the brand and you are perceived as an organisation that wants to effect positive change in the industry.

  5. You are the hero of the story. You are in control of the content and you are the one building lasting business relationships - the information you are giving to your target market can be tailor made to suit your business goals.

If done effectively & strategically, a good webinar can be the turning point in your business. If you’d like to learn more or plan your webinar, contact us at



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